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  2. Arrowsmith, J., Carr, S. C., Parker, J., & Yao, C. (2017). The living wage as an income range for decent work and life. Employee Relations, 39(6), 875-887.

  3. Bagshaw, P., & Barnett, P. (2020). Neoliberalism: What is it, how it affects health and what to do about it. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 133(1512), 76-84. Retrieved from

  4. CBC Radio. (n.d.). ‘Charity is not a solution to food insecurity’: How to feed the future. CBC Radio. Retrieved from

  5. Connecticut Foodshare. (n.d.). Hunger in Connecticut. Retrieved from

  6. Davies, W. (2014). Neoliberalism: A bibliographic review. Theory, Culture & Society, 31(7-8), 309-317.

  7. Drexel University’s Center for Hunger-Free Communities. (2021). The Problem with Charitable Food: How to Really Address Food Insecurity. Retrieved from

  8. Feeding America. (n.d.). Hunger in Connecticut. Feeding America. Retrieved from

  9. Food Research & Action Center (2015). A Plan of Action to End Hunger in America. Retrieved from

  10. Levi, R., Schwartz, M., Campbell, E., Martin, K., & Seligman, H. (2022). Nutrition standards for the charitable food system: challenges and opportunities. BMC Public Health, 22, Article 495. Retrieved from

  11. SNAP Eligibility in CT. (n.d.). Retrieved from

  12. Spencer-Wood, S. M., & Matthews, C. N. (2011). Impoverishment, Criminalization, and the Culture of Poverty. Archaeologies, 45(3), 1-10. Retrieved from

  13. The Hunger Project. (n.d.). The Hunger Project. Retrieved from

  14. The Kaiser Family Foundation. (2022). Population Distribution by Race/Ethnicity: Connecticut and Kentucky. COVID-19 Disparities collection, 2022 American Community Survey. Retrieved from

  15. United Nations. (1987). Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future (Brundtland Report). Swiss Office for Spatial Development. Retrieved from

  16. United States Census Bureau. (2022). Kentucky; Connecticut; United States. Quick Facts, 2018-2022 American Community Survey. Retrieved from,CT,US/PST045223.

  17. United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service (2022). Household Food Security in the United States in 2022. Matthew P. Rabbitt, Laura J. Hales, Michael P. Burke, and Alisha Coleman-Jensen (eds). Retrieved from

  18. United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service using Current Population Survey Food Security Supplement data (2020-2022). Interactive Charts and Highlights. Retrieved from

  19. YouTube. (n.d.). Video Title: Hunger In Connecticut: Uniting Against Food Insecurity | Common Ground CT. Retrieved from

Resources for Further Understanding

  1. Frontiers in Public Health. (2022). The Corporate Influence on Food Charity and Aid: The ‘Hunger Industrial Complex’ and the Death of Welfare. Retrieved from

  2. Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition. (n.d.). Food Banks and Charity as a False Response to Hunger in Wealthy but Unequal Countries. Retrieved from

  3. Global Solidarity Alliance for Food, Health and Social Justice. (n.d.). Why ‘Rights Not Charity’? Retrieved from

  4. National Library of Medicine. (2022). Why the World Should Not Follow the Failed United States Model of Fighting Domestic Hunger. PMC. Retrieved from

  5. New Haven Arts. (n.d.). Love Fed Cultivates a Movement. Retrieved from

  6. Newsweek. (2017). Food Banks are not the Solution to Food Poverty. Retrieved from

  7. Opportunity Starts at Home (2024). From

  8. Pathak, A., Richards, R., & Jarsulic, M. (2022). The United States Can End Hunger and Food Insecurity for Millions of People. Center for American Progress. Retrieved from

  9. Witnesses to Hunger New Haven. (n.d.). Home Page. Retrieved from